The Right to Roam
The Right to Roam gives you the opportunity to go where you want on foot and on skis. In the best interests of nature, we encourage you to follow waymarked trails or staked trails – these have been prepared so visitors avoid the most vulnerable areas. You are allowed to pick berries and mushrooms for your own consumption, and you can pick common flowers, but not endangered and protected species. Stopovers, travel and gathering must take place in a considerate manner. It is also important to show consideration towards others who are visiting the national park. This includes residents, cabin owners and grazing animals. A basic rule for everyone who exercises the Right to Roam is: Leave nature the way you would like to find it yourself!
Cycling on regular bikes in Rondane National Park is regulated in the interests of other users, and to avoid terrain erosion and the disruption of wildlife. Cycling in the national park is prohibited, with just a few exceptions. Click here to view maps showing the areas where it is permitted to cycle on waymarked trails. Visitors may cycle on regular bikes along the following national park routes:
- Spranget – Rondvassbu
- Gammelgården – Bjørnhollia
- The trail Kampen – Peer Gynt hytta
You are allowed to cycle on the roads that run through Grimsdalen and Dørålen Protected Landscapes. During certain periods of the year, motorized traffic is prohibited on these roads out of consideration for the wild reindeer. As a cyclist, we hope that you will help us give the wild reindeer some peace and quiet during this period. Read more about cycling in Rondane
E-bikes are defined as motorized vehicles in the national park, this also applies when the motor is switched off. Therefore, you are not allowed to use an e-bike on the trail network in Rondane or on roads that are closed to motorized traffic. A simple rule to remember is that you can only use an e-bike on roads where cars are permitted to drive. This means that you are not allowed to ride an e-bike on the road from Spranget to Rondvassbu, but you can cycle on Grimsdalsvegen road, Dørålsetervegen road and the Peer-Gynt mountain road. Read more about cycling in Rondane
Bringing your dog on the trip
Dogs are welcome in the national park as long as you show consideration towards wild animals, grazing animals and other visitors. All dogs must be kept on a leash between 1 March and 20 August in Rondane National Park. Each municipality may have its own regulations regarding keeping dogs on a leash – these apply. Dog owners are individually responsible for knowing the regulations regarding keeping dogs on a leash. –
Cell phone coverage
Not all parts of Rondane have cell phone coverage. Therefore, it can be useful to know where there is cell phone coverage when traveling in the mountains. A good piece of advice is to download the cell phone coverage map for your mobile network before you set off on a trip.
The use of drones is prohibited in the national park. The use of motorized model aircraft is prohibited, and this includes drones. The use of drones may disturb other visitors and not least the vulnerable wildlife in the area.
Motorized travel
Motorized vehicles are prohibited in the national park, but visitors are permitted to drive on roads in the protected landscapes during certain periods of the year. It is not permitted to park motorized vehicles on uncultivated land.
Use the trails and do not build new cairns
By following and keeping to the trails, you help to take care of nature in Rondane. This avoids unnecessary wear and tear on the vegetation and any disturbance to wildlife. Cairns can be found along many of the trails. These are landmarks that help you follow the route when there is poor visibility. It is therefore important that you do not build new cairns, as this may mislead those who visit the area after you. In addition, you should never remove stones from old cairns. Some of these are very old and are protected as cultural monuments.
Cultural monuments
Rondane National Park is rich in cultural monuments from the hunting and trapping of wild reindeer in ancient times. Here, visitors will find the remnants of old houses, pitfall traps, hunting hides and guiding fences, all of which are protected. Therefore, do not move any stones from old walls. Read more about wild reindeer
Clothing and equipment
The weather in the mountains can change very quickly, during both the summer and winter months. You are responsible for assessing the weather, traveling conditions, and your level of fitness and skills. You should always have windproof and waterproof outerwear, hats and mittens when hiking in the mountains. The same applies to maps and a compass. Apart from these items, you need to consider what is necessary in terms of the trip you have planned. Guided tours provide visitors with safety and useful knowledge about the local areas.
Keep Rondane clean!
Make sure you don’t leave any garbage behind. Bring a small spade in your backpack so you can dig yourself a small toilet hole – not leaving any traces of toilet visits is a lot nicer both for you and for those visiting the area after you.
Grazing livestock
It is not uncommon to see animals grazing in protected areas – visitors might meet sheep, cattle and horses. Show consideration when meeting grazing animals and keep dogs on a leash. When pitching a tent in areas where there are grazing animals, you may find that they become curious about your campsite.
Visitors are permitted to light campfires between 15 September and 15 April. You are allowed to light campfires throughout the entire year in places where there are no obvious fire hazards or risk of forest fires, but please pay attention to local restrictions and check municipality websites. Show consideration when gathering firewood – do not damage trees and try to use dry twigs and branches. Campfire regulations stipulated in the Outdoor Recreation Act apply in the protected areas.
Camping in tents
As a general rule, visitors may pitch tents wherever they want as long as it is 150 meters from inhabited houses or cabins. However, out of consideration for the natural environment and wildlife, it is best to make use of the campsites around the various tourist cabins or other adapted sites. The Rondvassbu, Bjørnhollia and Grimsdalshytta tourist cabins all have campsites. Pitching tents at these sites provides visitors with access to cabin facilities for a small fee. When leaving the campsite, it is important that you leave no traces behind. If you have used stones to anchor your tent, please make sure that you place them back where you found them with the lichen-covered side facing upwards. Large groups of people visiting the national park must apply for permission if they wish to pitch tents in the same place for more than 30 person-days (number of days x number of persons). This applies to all types of tents, but not at tourist cabin campsites where visitors must pay a fee. There are no camping regulations in the protected landscapes.
Caravans and motorhomes
It is not permitted to park motorized vehicles on uncultivated land. We encourage visitors to park motorhomes and caravans in adapted locations such as Mysusæter and Strømbu or other places outside the protected areas that are adapted for this. There are many campsites along the valley roads around the national park.
Hunting and fishing
You may hunt and fish in the national park but remember to buy a hunting/fishing license. Using live fish as bait is prohibited. Visitors are also prohibited from taking live fish or wet fishing gear from one watercourse to another. During the hunting season, it is important that hunters and hikers show consideration towards each other. Hunting is the most important management tool for regulating the number of animals in relation to food access. Without this management, the animals will not be able to find enough food and may become more susceptible to disease. You can buy a fishing license at
Snow kiting, snow sailing, paragliding and hang-gliding
Snow sailing is permitted in the staked and machine-groomed ski trails in the national park. Snow kiting is not permitted at all. The reason snow kiting is not allowed is because there is a risk that the activity may quickly carry people far into vulnerable mountainous areas. Wild reindeer have excellent eyesight and can detect kites from far away. Snow kiting provides longer range and is more visually disruptive than regular skiing. It is permitted to paraglide/hang-glide at good heights across the protected areas, but it is not permitted to use mountain peaks within the protected areas as takeoff or landing sites.
Horseback riding and dog sledding
Private horseback riding and dog sledding without a guide are permitted, and permission is not required. Individuals must assess whether the activity may conflict with the natural values found in the national park. You are welcome to get in touch with the National Park Management if you are in doubt, see contact information here.
Organized trips/guiding in Rondane and Dovre National Parks
Definition of organized trips/guiding:
- When a person, company or organization plans, coordinates or organizes an activity for a group of participants that is announced/marketed in advance.
These might include hiking or skiing trips that do not follow approved trails, or other activities such as horseback riding, dog sledding, running waterfalls, rafting, hunting tests, tent camps etc. If you are planning to carry out events such as these, you must apply for permission. One exception is the areas for organized trips, see the map. Here, organized dog sledding and horseback riding are permitted. Trips made with family and friends do not fall into the categories discussed above.
Physical adaptation in Rondane National Park
Physical measures, such as trail marking, the development of new trails or ski trails, setting out hiking posts, geocaches and posts for post hunting are subject to application in the national park. Contact the management if you want to know more
When the roads open
Most roads in Rondane and Dovre National Parks are open during parts of the year. All dates are subject to weather and driving conditions.
Road name | Opens | Closes | Protected area |
Grimsdalsvegen road | 5 June | 1 December | Grimsdalen Protected Landscape |
Haverdalsvegen road (from Vegaskillet to Haverdalssetrene) | 15 June | 1 December | Grimsdalen Protected Landscape |
The road running through Ryddølsdalen valley | 5 June | 1 December | Grimsdalen Protected Landscape |
The road to Dørålseter | 15 June | 1 December | Dørålen Protected Landscape |
Peer Gynt mountain road | 1 June | 1 December | Frydalen Protected Landscape |
Eldåsetervegen road/Østkjølen mountain road | 1 June | 1 December | Frydalen Protected Landscape |